Каталог BS — национальные стандарты Великобритании
найдено документов: 43921 страниц: 2197
BS 7539:1992
Methods for test for determination of properties of cushioning materials for package design purposesКоличество страниц: 20 Статус:
BS 7543:2015
Guide to durability of buildings and building elements, products and componentsКоличество страниц: 50 Статус:
BS 7543:2015 - TC
Tracked Changes. Guide to durability of buildings and building elements, products and componentsКоличество страниц: 127 Статус:
BS 7544:1991, ISO 10112:1991
Method for graphical presentation of the complex modulus of damping materialsКоличество страниц: 14 Статус:
BS 7562-1:1992
Planning, design and installation of irrigation schemes. Glossary of termsКоличество страниц: 32 Статус:
BS 7562-2:1992
Planning, design and installation of irrigation schemes. Guide for acquisition of site dataКоличество страниц: 18 Статус:
BS 7562-3:1995
Planning, design and installation of irrigation schemes. Guide to irrigation water requirementsКоличество страниц: 16 Статус:
BS 7562-4:1992
Planning, design and installation of irrigation schemes. Guide to water resourcesКоличество страниц: 28 Статус:
найдено документов: 43921 страниц: 2197