Каталог DIN — национальные стандарты Германии
найдено документов: 2 страниц: 1
DIN 45635-1001-1987
Measurement of noise emitted by machines; airborne noise emission; enveloping surface method and special reverberation room method; household and similar electrical appliances; particular requirements for vacuum cleaners; identical with IEC 60704-2-1, edition 1984
Количество страниц: 6 Статус:
DIN 45635-1001-1990
Шумы, производимые электропылесосами. Частные требования к испытаниямMeasurement of noise emitted by machines; airborne noise emission; enveloping surface method and special reverberation room method; household and similar electrical appliances; particular requirements for vacuum cleaners; (IEC 704-2-1:1985 modified); german version HD 423.2.1 S1:1986 (as of 1989)
Количество страниц: 7 Статус:
найдено документов: 2 страниц: 1
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